To whom make one's friends.

A person is lucky if blessed with three things in life. A good wife, a good child and a good friend. In fact,even more than wife and child , one is really lucky if one gains a good friend.If you happen to have a good wife or a bad one ,neither the entire credit nor the entire blame lies with you. Your wife was selected by the family and perhaps you had a lesser role in selecting her than your parents did (it happens  Indian culture). Your child is a gift of nature. Whether he/she turns out good or bad, you are not wholly responsible .But the choice of a friend is entirely done by yourself.Therefore ,use your wisdom ,A wife or child may be chosen or nurtured by others , but you alone have chosen your friends, and friends are a reflection of our own personality and character, depending our ideas and values. A friend is that precious gem ,described in just one word , whose special qualities can not be fully described in the entire dictionary.

Your friends indicate your character

If you wish to know a person's bad or good qualities , his character or private behavior, then don't ask his family members or his neighbors;  find out who and how his friends are. Take it for granted that a person is more or less a reflection of his friends, his acquaintances, and the people he regularly meets and interacts with. If the right selection in your choice of a husband or wife  can save you from 60 percent of problems and sorrows in life, then remaining alert in your choice of friends can safeguard you from 80 percent of wrongful acts and activities. We should remain as alert and critical when choosing our friends, as we are when choosing a husband or a wife.

   If you don't get a wife with a benign nature your life might become painful,but if you get an ill-nature friend your next seven generations will suffer woe. A short tempered or bad nature husband might make your life uncomfortable, but a friend with bad habits will get your entire family into problems.Men tend to choose friends of similar nature , to get like minded company, or one may say, men acquire characteristics similar to those of their friends. A person tends to select friends that match his own perspective and standing.

Rajeev jaiswal

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