Better keep friends outside home

The way you are careful about your child's studies at school, the marks he is getting, similarly stay alert about who he is befriending.If friends of your child are coming to your home, then be careful who they are.Keep instructing your son that who has school friends,market friends,business friends etc. but they should not enter your home. If your son has become slightly older , and his friends are coming to your home and developing rapport with family members,then something could go wrong.It is always better to keep those friends outside the home, for the moment they reach your home ,beware you may find your daughters and daughter's in law unsafe.

     Make friends but only till a certain level. Never collect a crowd of friends. Some people have a habit of developing rapport with one and all."I know him , I know them personally" , and so on. Talk a while and they will even say that so and so is a "dear" friend.  Better not to accept a visiting card from some one met on the street , nor give out your visiting card  to one and all. If you have a crowd of friends , then take it for granted that you have no special friend. In your bad times, all your friends will think that even if they can't find time to help , so what, some other friends will help.One should not have more than 3-4 special friends in life.

 Just as one husband and one wife, two or three children , one set of parents. Stay friendly with everyone , show compassion to every one ,but when it comes to friendship, stay very alert.We say "friendship is all about happiness", and this human approach encourages us to be friendly, but make friends with extreme caution.

 A person is immensely affected by the company he keeps. He gradually changes according to the company  and proximity of others. If you find the company of people with good character , you too will bear a good character .If you are surrounded by people who are inclined to public service , then a nature of helping others will develop you . If you are living among  cultured people , you too will be well behaved. If you consume alcohol  while standing at a dairy , people will say you are drinking milk, similarly if you consume milk while standing near a brewery , people will say you are drinking alcohol. You will grow in accordance with the company you keep, and you will also perceived as such other people around you.

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