Be aware and stay alert of selfish friends

Selfish and sycophantic friends are more dangerous than foolish friends . If you can save yourself, then stay away from such flattering friends as compared to your foes. They will falsely praise you, but may conspire against you. Selfish friends are like our shadow,who accompany you during your sunny prosperity, but come dark times,and they will be the first to desert  you.

Two friends were walking alongside a lake,when suddenly one of them saw a board which read,"The rescuer of a drowning person will be awarded five hundred rupees."One of  them said to the other, I will go into the water and act as if I am drowning and will call out for help.You know how to swim, So when I call for help,come and rescue me,and we will distribute the award equally.And so, the man waded into the deep water and started shouting for help.
The friend standing by the water heard him, but did not go to his rescue.Then the drowning friend shouted,"Why are you not coming into the water if  you can hear me calling for help?"To which the friend replied, "You read only one side of the notice board, the other side says,"Taking a dead body out of the lake will earn an award of 1000 rupees."Escape! If you can escape from such selfish friends, then do it.
Of course one should extend friendliness to all,and if possible even try to help his foes.A small incident of world war II carries a big message. It is said that during the world war , a Japanese soldier got wounded on his shoulder and he fell. He was crying due to the severe pain, when an Indian soldier, who was fighting him on the field, got emotional and thought,"What is the use of enmity in these last moments?'" So he went to wounded soldier carrying a cup of tea , put his head on his lap, and started giving him sips of the tea, with the idea that , if you have seen the bravado of the Indian soldier,see his compassion too.The moment he bent down to give the Japanese soldier a sip of the tea,the latter, who had kept a knife hidden, stabbed him in the chest.The Indian soldier was injured. Later, both of them were taken to the hospital for treatment.On the third day, When the Indian soldier recovered consciousness, he saw the Japanese soldier beside him. When he got up for a cup of tea, he took one to the Japanese soldier as well,and said,"Hey brother, have some tea, since I could not fulfill your desire that day". Seeing this behavior of the Indian soldier , the Japanese soldier became emotional .His eyes were filled with tears and he said,"Now I know why Lord Buddha was born in India."

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