This Way Make Old Age Meaningful
Pouch of five jewels:
A person with a progressive bent of mind accepts all twists and turns in life with the     right temperament. I would like to say to every old person, even if your body grows   old , never let your brain ,your thinking ,your heart grow old.How can we bring meaning to your old age? I would like to offer you five jewels of   advice.
Ø First jewel :-      Try living your life without attachment-
If you want to live into your old age with happiness and meaning, then extricate yourself from attachment regarding your family, and especially your wealth. Extreme miserliness is not a good thing. If in your old age you are still thinking of amassing more for your children, then abandon this thought. Your children have developed wings, they are flying and organizing life for themselves. Relinquish attachment and temptation. Bring order into your life, so that old age does not affect you.
I will share an interesting incident. We were in Nakodaji, one old couple from jodhpur came there on pilgrimage. They met us. They were of a miserly nature. I asked them to have some food. The wife said, we have come on pilgrimage, so we will not eat from charity, but rather use our food coupons. I said, as you wish, you may come to meet us after taking your meals. The question troubling their mind was that if they went to the dining room, they would have to pay for two meals. So they said “Let us bring one meal here.” We will have our meal together.” I said, “Alright, we will arrange it here. I sent a person to get them one meal and said” You can sit in the adjacent room and have your meal.” The husband was eating and his wife was simply sitting. I said,” I said it is winter the food will get cold. You can eat together.” she said,” No, after he finishes, I will eat.” I asked her thrice, but she did not change her mind. Then she said there was some other reason. I asked her what she meant. where upon she said ,” After he finishes his meal, I will use same set of teeth and have my meal, because you see, we have only one set of teeth between us.”
Ø Second jewel :-   Feel yourself as being healthy and remain active –
Apart from wanting a long life, you also want healthy life. Till you remain active, old age will not affect you. But if you keep yourself inactive, then you are lost. Be forever dynamic to avoid feeling old. As much as possible,try doing your work yourself, instead of depending on someone else to do it. This will make you self –dependent  and also keep you active. The more you use your body part, the more they will remain in your control.
Contribute in all small tasks in the house. This will keep you busy and you will not feel lonesome. Keep your consciousness energized. Even if your muscular power reduces, never let your soul weaken. Economic, physical and family problems may increase in old age, but with a strong willpower you can triumph over them.
Ø Third jewel:-   Be detached while at home.Detachment brings you peace and freedom –
Be careful while distributing your wealth amongst your children; Keep some portion for yourself and your wife. Besides, make arrangements so that after your death, instead of your children distributing portion of your wealth amongst them, it is utilized for the welfare of society, so that you can repay your debt to humanity. Otherwise your family members might have an eye on your wealth, both when you are alive and after you are dead. If you don’t have children, then instead of being attached to your wealth, utilize it for the benefit society selflessly.
Ø Fourth jewel:-   Every morning and evening , pray to god –
Instead of talking unnecessarily, praying to god is much better, in your old age, devotion to god can become the foundation of your peacefulness.
Ø Fifth jewel:-    Read some good books at least for half an hour a day –
So that you are brain remain active, and your mental agility stays on the ascent.

Tips for healthy old age:-
Understand the game of life. Life is a fun- toy. It will run till it is destined to. Often, people live their youth with excitement and get frustrated in their old age. They find old age to be a burden. Be ready to live your old age peacefully.
It would be better for you to avoid stress and worry, Worries are the bane of old age, so give them up. Live your life every day full of happiness. Never change your balanced mental state, even if there is a change in the material state. Stop interfering in family arrangements. If you keep yourself detached from the family, you can avoid several mental suffering. Instead of treating old age as a curse, accept it as blessing and utilize it for gaining salvation.
Old age means a saintly life, a life directed to gaining salvation, a life of peace. If you remember all this, it will bring meaning to your old age.

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