This Way Make Old Age Meaningful

This Way Make Old Age Meaningful

Bring meaning to your old age :-
Don’t think of old age as being in vain. Often people are found to be saying “Oh, how many years of life now left”. The Indian mentality and thought processes make people feel old quickly. A person of sixty begins to think, “Now what is there left for me to do. The life now left is a bonus, I will live it somehow.”Why do we think we have grown old? Old age should not be a frustration in life; it should be the delight of life.
When helplessness enters the heart of a person, he grows old even at the age of fifty, while a person filled with excitement feels young even in his eighties. Remember, old age first comes to the mind, and then to the body.
Old age is a step to give meaning to life, a person should get retired at the age of fifty five. That age is a returned to childhood. He who begins exercising his brain in this new childhood, his fifty five years becomes meaningful. If a person who immersed in his family life, one who find it difficult to take leave for just three days, chooses to adopt a path abandoning forever his family, wife, livelihood, assets, that is really appreciable. Really, one who gained the knowledge of giving the right direction to old age becomes meaningful.
Life is gradually seeping :-
One should not think that old age will catch up only to his neighbour; everyone is going to be old one day. Life goes the way water seeps out in droplets from a clay water jar with a small hole, while it is suspended above shivaling(A holy symbol). Which drop will be the last, you never know. Life seeps out gradually.
Everyone is approaching death slowly. We should live out our old age by considering it a stage of life rather than death.

Those who have realized the art of living, who have gained a perspective to life, they are blessed. It depends on you whether you are going to hum through life or whether you are going to mumble through it. If you have reached old age, then sing nice songs, recite poems, draw pictures, see the beauty of nature, speak sweetly, communicate wisely and try living a better life. This depends on what direction we give to our life. If youth is meant for enjoyment, then old age too is not for suffering. Old age is neither meant to grumble and lie about in bed, nor is meant to talk nonsense.

Old age is intended to live life peacefully. In his youthful years a person cannot gain peace, because there are several complexities. I will say, if you have lived your youth in enjoyment,
Live your old age in peace. What should we do to give meaning to our old age? Our old age can become useful. We can find the door to salvation being opened before our death. I will give you three suggestions by which to better live out your old age with a healthy body and a happy soul. Old age should be healthy, active and safe.

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